
  1. Pupils must arrive at the school before 6:50 a.m. The school gate is closed at 7:00 a.m.
  2. Pupils are not encouraged to be in school before 6:30 a.m. because there will be no supervision.
  3. The school will not be responsible for students leaving the school premises during ‘no supervision’ time.
  4. Pupils must be picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal as there will be no supervision after that.
  5. Parents must inform the school if you are unable to fetch your child on time OR you are sending a different driver to pick your child.

Sickness and Absenteeism

  1. Children who are ill with infectious diseases such as colds, flu, measles, mumps, chicken pox, head lice and other related diseases should not be sent to school until they are fully recovered.
  2. If a teacher notices a child is unwell, parents will be notified to take that child home.
  3. Parents are requested to inform the school if a child is ill or cannot attend school for any reason.
  4. Should a child needs to be away for any length of time, please inform the school and ensure fees are paid should they be payable during his/her absence.
  5. Pupils are NOT allowed to take leave during school days for travel or holidays.


  1. Constructive complaints and suggestions are welcome and should be directed to the Head of School and not individual staff members. Those who are not able to come to the Head’s office are invited to make contact personally over the telephone.
  2. Parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their children’s progress and feedback from parents is always welcome and necessary.

School Attire

  1. The school uniform should be clean at all times. For pupils who sweat profusely from playing at recess, parents are advised to pack an extra shirt in the child’s school bag, together with a face towel.
  2. Slippers/flip-flops/thongs or sandal are not permitted.
  3. Shoes with Velcro fasteners are recommended for easier to put on and take off when required.
  4. Shoes must be black, as should the socks.
  5. Pupil’s names must be written in permanent ink on shoes and school T-Shirts.
  6. Hair
    • Girls with long hair (below shoulder length) must tie up neatly and tidily with black, white or dark green (skirt colour) ribbon or clips.
    • Flowery/colourful clip are not allowed. Girls with shorter hair must use hairband (green, white or black) to keep away hair from covering their face.
    • Hair should not cover below the eyebrows for both boys and girls.
    • Boys hair should be short (not touching the shirt collar). No fancy cutting.
    • Dying or high lighting of hair is not allowed.
  7. Finger and toe nails must be clean and trimmed regularly. Nail polish is prohibited.
  8. All jewellery is prohibited, except for watches, and earstuds for girls with pierced ears.
  9. Students must wear the school T-shirts and track suits during Physical Education classes and KK activities.
  10. Pocket money should not be left in the pockets of school uniforms and left in the changing rooms during Physical Education classes.
  11. Name tag must be worn at all time.
  12. Prefects and monitors must wear their uniforms and ties at all times.


  1. Pupils must wear TSM uniform during school time.
  2. No slippers/flip flops.
  3. Shoe that can be easily take off or put on by the child. We recommend the ones with Velcro fasteners.
  4. Please bring on the first day of school (for all levels), one complete change of old clothes for your child in a plastic bag with your child’s name on it. This is in case your child has diarrhea, gets wet or vomits on him/herself
  5. TSM sport attire/school T-shirt is worn for P.E lessons

Bags & Homework

  1. Parents are to ensure that school bags are large enough to carry a moderate number of books to and from school.
  2. Pupils should not bring hand phone, toys, comics, magazines, other books to school, other than school books.
  3. Pupils must not bring or use “liquid paper”, pen and mechanical pencils.
  4. Drink containers should not be carried in school bags to avoid spillage.
  5. If for any reason, a child is unable to complete his or her homework on time, parents are asked to briefly inform the teacher concerned either in writing (any language) or over the telephone.
  6. As with all school work, pupils are expected to do homework to the best of their abilities. Homework should be up-to-date and send for marking by teachers as directed.
  7. All pupils are advised to use the School Organiser to keep records of daily assignments. Parents are expected to sign the Organiser regularly.
  8. All exercise books and workbooks are to be kept neat. Dates have to be written in full, along with the day in the exercise books.

General Behaviour

  1. Pupils must not write, scribble or draw on the walls or furniture. (No Vandalism)
  2. School property must be cared for and respected at all times and parents are expected to take financial responsibility for damage. There is to be no walking on tables, shelves, etc.
  3. School text or library books must be cared for and kept clean at all times. Lost or damaged books must be paid for.
  4. Pupils must take care of their own belongings. There must not be left lying around the school.
  5. Pupils should not bring too much money to school (not more than RM10.00) except for paying school books and buying food at the canteen.
  6. Pupils must not enter any classroom, the staff-room or office, the computer room or library, or any other room, without supervision or permission.
  7. Pupils must not touch or take away the property of others without permission.
  8. No littering and spitting is allowed anywhere in the school compound – including classrooms, toilets, corridors and the playground.
  9. Pupils are strictly prohibited from running along all corridors and drive ways.
  10. Pupils must use the toilet facilities properly. The toilets are not to be treated as play area.
  11. Boisterous playing, running and shouting are not permitted in school compound.
  12. Fighting is strictly prohibited and will be seriously dealt with.
  13. Pupils must not bring sharp or dangerous objects to school.
  14. Pupils must not use rude or insulting words in any language.
  15. Pupils should never interrupt while another person is speaking should always respond when spoken to unless otherwise directed.
  16. Pupils should always greet the Head of School, teachers, elders and friends when meeting.
  17. During assembly, pupils must line up properly and silently. Pupils must remain silent during assembly, unless spoken to.
  18. On being dismissed from the assembly or class or any function, pupils must move off in an orderly and quiet manner.
  19. During recess, pupils must line up properly when buying food at the school canteen.
  20. Pupils must be attentive while teachers are teaching.
  21. In class, pupil must put up their hands and wait to be called on to answer/speak. There is to be no random calling out in class.
  22. Pupils must carry out the duties as allocated by the class teacher on duty roster.
  23. Pupils must stay within the school compound at all times until they are fetched to go home. If the pupil fails to be fetched on time, he/she should go to the admin office which is open until 4:30p.m., or contact the caretaker in his quarters, to make phone call.
  24. Pupils of Year 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory to join in the KK activities on Wednesday (3:30p.m. – 4:30p.m.) and Year 4, 5 and 6 students on Monday and Wednesday (3:30p.m. – 4:30p.m.).
  25. Pupils are to use the school’s printed exercise books.
  26. Pupils must line up properly and walk in an orderly and quiet manner from the classrooms to music room, computer room, library, Agama room or science lab and vice versa.


  1. Any pupil who refuse or consistently neglects to obey the rules will be reported to the Head of School who will, after investigation, take further disciplinary action as necessary.
  2. Prohibited items such as jewellery, excessive money, handphone, toys, books, other than school books, fanciful hair bands & clips, will be confiscated and only parents are allowed to claim from the Head of School.
  3. The following are offences which will be dealt with seriously by the school.
    • Pupils caught playing in the toilet
    • Boisterous playing, running & shouting along corridors & walk ways
    • Fighting
    • Stealing
    • Cheating
    • Extortion
    • Bullying
    • Not attending lessons and KK activities without permission during school hours.
    • Stay away from school compound without permission during school hours or KK activities
    • Foul languages
    • Habitual of not doing homework
    • Not wearing proper school attire
    • Damage to school property
  4. Prefects and monitors who are found to violate the school rules may be demoted.
  5. Any students proven to have misbehaved in public while in school uniform can face disciplinary action.