
Minimum age at entrance to Tadika Sri Mawar is children turning 4 during the school year. Special Consideration is given to children born on 1st January. (Please consult the Head of School for more specific information).

Open entrance to Tadika depends on the number of places available.

Admission will be at the discretion of the School Board and on a “first come-first served” registration basis.

Children must know how to use the toilet unaided.

The School Board reserves the right to exclude any student permanently or temporarily at any time, if such action is advisable in the interests of the students or the good of the school. No reason needs to be given for such action.

Primary School

Priority will necessarily be given to children who have attended Sri Mawar Kindergarten (Tadika Sri Mawar).

The ages of pupils suitable for admission to various classes are those determined by the Ministry of Education.

Parents interested in enrolling their child/children should complete and submit the appropriate forms. All students are required to sit for an entrance test.

Admission Form

SR SRI MAWAR student application form P1